jueves, 11 de octubre de 2012


                                                                 WEATHER PROVERBS:

  • If the sky is read at night , it will be sunny the following day .
  • If clouds look like the scales of a fish , it will be windy or stormy.
  • If  the sky is clear at night and you can see the moon , there will be a frost in the morning .
  • If there is a rainbow in the morning , it will be rainy.
  • If  seagulls  come back  to land , it will be stormy.
  • If the starts shine bright  , it will be a cold  night .
  • If chimney smoke goes down , there will be bad weather . 
  • If crows fly low , it will be rainy .
  • If  fall trees hold their leaves , it will be a cold winter .
  • If the first three days of april are foggy , there will be a flood in  june .

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